Tradition meets Innovation

Since 1989 our target is Research & Development of natural solutions to improve quality of life and to give positive emotions to final user, combining the respect of ancient herbal traditions with the use of the best technologies and production methods.
Our growth over years has led us to be today one of the few companies able to control the complete production cycle, from our organic farming – cared according to tradition – through innovative extraction methods, up to the finished product, realized thanks to the continuous research and development of the most advanced solutions.

Passion for quality

The daily commitment of a harmonized team using the best of technologies and natural resources, allows us to obtain a product of absolute quality and safety.

Care of Details

Each stage of the production process is managed taking care of every particular, combining individual knowledge with respect to GMP and ISO 9001 regulations.

Motivation and Expertise

The team is composed by highly qualified professionals to the different stages of production, who work with synergy and enthusiasm, to achieve the common goal.